
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” – Jim Morrison


Historical Events That Have Shaped Today’s Media
1. Power of Television: Kennedy Assassination (1963)— Kevin
2. Personal Opinion Alters Public Opinion: Vietnam War (Walter Cronkite) (1968)— Sam
3. Power Behind Newspapers: Watergate Investigation(The Washington Post) (1974)— Anthony
4. Development of Late-Night News Casts: Iran Hostage (1979)- Tony
5. Modern Talk Radio: Fairness Doctrine (1987)— Ayad
6. Sex and Politics: Monica Lewinsky (1998)— Emily
7. Alteration in How News is Covered on Events in the U.S.: 9/11 (2001)—Arlyn
8. Social Media Takes Over: Virginia Tech Shooting (2007)— Megan

Our topic is based on important historical events, which will be used to explain how media news has changed and is released to the public in today’s day in age.

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